Noah’s Ark Foundation was born as a result of the neglect of older persons who are constantly marginalized and invisible in the society. The elderly have given their all to the development of the Nation and proper care should be given to them when they eventually retire from active service, for a country that does not look after its older people does not have a soul. The vulnerability of older person’s is an obvious factor for concern. Noah’s Ark recognizes the numerous roles that older person’s play in contemporary society like ours, their roles in the family and in the community. It therefore becomes important to address the problem of the elderly in an open manner that would bring about improvement in the quality of life of older people which on the long run would reduce poverty in our society. Noah’s Ark Foundation is currently running a food bank for underprivileged people who cannot afford a meal per day on a weekly basis.
Noah’s Ark Foundation is a non-profit non-governmental organization whose focus is meeting the needs of the elderly in rural communities through programs that provide improvement in healthcare and establish social groups that would allow them to be more engaged within their communities. Noah’s Ark Foundation was registered with the Corporate Affairs commission on 17th June, 2009.
- To provide a food bank for the needy and elderly in underprivileged communities
- To provide employment for older persons.
- To engage the older people more productively so as to improve their quality of life after retirement.
- To provide safety nets such as Health Care, Good Nutrition and total well being to widows, retirees and widowers.
- To provide an old people’s club where the elderly can forge friendship and reconnect with their peers.
- To organize training programs that would build their capacity to be more productive in their retirement age.
- Tapping on their wealth of experience as mentors to younger people.
- To provide support to faith based organizations by reaching out to retirees, widows and widowers in such organization
- To provide community services to older people